Tuesday, March 18, 2008


3 days in a row I have posted, I know... most of you are saying how can someone have so much to say while at the same time say nothing. I might take a job as a politician.
This post is about something that I did on Thursday of this last week. A small group of us from my Church Coastal Community Church went to a conference a little Church in Anderson, SC Called NewSprings. this conference was called Unleashed! It was the second year for this conference and I have to say it was Outstanding. I didn't know what to expect since I hadn't been to one of these conferences before but I would say that it met all of my expectations and overflowed me with a sense of being a part of something great, and that would be a life renewed and reborn with Christ at the center. If you have never heard of Pastor Perry Noble he is a passionate speaker for his cause. His cause is very simple bring lost people to Christ. Next years conference is already set up for the 12th of March and I told my wife that she should plan to come with me. I plan on telling as many people I know how much this conference will mean to them, and hopefully get a alot more people there to share it with us.

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