Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some More Pic's from our Trip to New York City

Subway Train, Headed down to Ground Zero. Susan did great for getting us around the city using the subway. I was very thankful. Not that there were alot of FREAKs but there were a few. I had to remind myself that they are all God's Children and go from there. For the most part that worked.

Grand Central Terminal. Yes that is the name. Grand Central Station is under this and is where all the subway trains actually come in, and yes New Yorkers will correct you on this. More Pics and video's are coming, I have to down load them and save them over.


We made it home. Now here is a question for you. Am not sure if I should be glad or upset. I will take poll from you all to see which it will be. Originally our flight was to take off from Newark Liberty International Airport New Jersey just across the River from Manhattan NY at 7:30am arrive Charleston just about 10:00am. The shuttle service told us that we needed to leave our Hotel around 4:15am for this flight (with me so far). Okay Susan and I get to the Airport just after 5:00am and check in and get our boarding passes. So we have time to kill before our flight had alittle breakfast and then went to our gate to read our books and wait for the flight. At 7:20am they tell us it will be alittle late new take off time 7:45am not bad I think. We board the flight about 7:30am again not bad. Then we back away from the gate about 7:50am alittle later than they said but again I say not bad. Then we waited and waited and waited some more. 8:25am we finally take off almost an hour from the originally take off time. Now get this, we still arrived at the time we was suppose to 10:00am. Now here is the question. Should I be happy that we arrived on time or Should up I be just alittle upset that they had me awake at 3:45am to catch a 4:15 shuttle for a flight that didn't take off until 8:25? There ya go. A side note. We did make it home in time to have lunch at Mai Tai. All things considered a very good day. Oh did I mention that our AC unit has crapped out and it is very warm in this house.


Need I say more.
Loving Life-Living Large

Newark Liberty Int. Airport

Rain! Will it delay the flight? Heck if the pilot woke up with dry mouth it would delay the flight. We sure hope it doesn't cause us to be late for Thai.
Loving Life-Living Large

Good Lord its Early

The trip is coming to a end. Here we sit in the suttle with 6 other tired travelers at 4:30am. Headed to the airport.
Loving Life-Living Large

Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Loving Life-Living Large

Friday, July 18, 2008

Welcome to New York

We are staying at the Shoreham Hotel. It is just about 4 blocks from Time Sq.
Loving Life-Living Large

Headed to New York

Well the airlines is late. Great start. See you all next week.

Hmmm, I didn't realize.

You know I didn't realize as many people read the blog as it has become apparent. I only get a few comments from time to time and that is fine that isn't reason I started this. Yesterdays post I was in a bit of a bad mood. Really had nothing to do with Vacation Bible School at our Church. Though I did speak the truth yesterday and nothing has changed my opinion of what I wrote. I don't believe that I gave enough credit to the kids and parents that have been awesome all week long. I don't want anyone to think that our church isn't the greatest thing in the world because I do believe that, and as our Pastor says We are the Church (the congregation) I do believe that hole heartily. So let me take this moment to say that WE HAVE A GREAT Congregation with some of the most awesome people I have had the privilege to meet and worship with. The kids that are here for VBS have been some of the greatest kids that I have had a chance to talk to. I will say that I was warned about acouple of the kids and I was only alittle worried about having to deal with them (after all) I was only going to have to deal with them for acouple of hours aday, I figured that wasn't going to be to serious of a problem. Plus working with Matt well want can I say, that guy is very patient (though I think I did see acouple of time where that was tested). The kids I was warned about, well the one young man was one of the best in the class that I worked in, he was one of the hardest workers and though it didn't look it at times I believe he listen better than most. Morgan I doubt that you will read this but I was thoroughly impressed with how you did all week.
Susan and I won't get to finish the VBS with you all. We have some traveling plans and we will be in the air by the time you guys are getting started tonight. We will pray for continued success with VBS and to all the students and teachers and of course the Volunteers that are helping our Pastor Chris out. Especially my thanks goes out to a few people that I thought really was going over the top. Janet Rollins Pastor Chris's wife, as well as Wes Roberts our new Youth Pastor. I want to thank Matt Beam who asked me to serve with him, I sure hope Matt I wasn't too big of a pain and I hope I helped you out where ever you needed.
Susan and I will see you Sunday after next.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This Week

Holy Mackerel it is the middle of July and I have hardly posted at all.

This week Susan and I have been volunteering at our church with Vacation Bible School. We have had alot of fun and I would like to think made a difference in some children's lives. Susan has been assisting our good friend Kathy's class room with the kids being in the age of about 6 - 8. While I have been helping Kathy's husband and our good friend Matt in his class with kids age 9 - 11. Matt and I have about 10 kids in our class and what a range of attitudes. I would like to say most of the attitudes are very good and helpful, but we are speaking of the real world here so they range from am too cool to be here (while still having a good time) to I know am cool, so am going to show everyone by not answering your questions to I know everything and everyone cause my Mom and Dad are major players in the church, with alot of stuff in-between. Sounds terrible I know, and if it bothers you well then maybe it hits too close to home. Either way am not offering an apology. The main reason is cause the majority of the kids are great and am sure it is the age of the kids, but some of it comes straight from home and what the kids see either directly or indirectly from their parents.

I know, I know. When you make a post in your blog everything is suppose to be nice a rosey. I don't fill that way today and my next post will shed some light on that. Here are some Pic's from this week at Vacation Bible School. Oh by the way has any noticed the title of this Blog? if you have, have you ever seen a post by Susan? or how about a comment from Susan? me neither. Now she will give you some BS about not knowing the user name or password, but I have given it to her acouple of times. Am thinking I may change the name to something like "Life and Times of Bill Who is Married to Susan but she doesn't have anything to say" Little wordy but it might work.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Having Fun at the Lake

Patti and Shelby
Rachel watching the fireworkds.

Susan and Lilly along with me

being brave!

The Daughter and Granddaughter came down for a visit and we went out to the lake. Everyone had a great time over the 4th of July. The whole week was great. Susan and I couldn't get alot of time off from work while they were here. They still had a great time. I think they went to the beach 3 or 4 times I was able to make it out there one of those times. We also went to the Riverdogs game with the kids and stayed for the fireworks after the game.