This Sunday our Pastor spoke about a new book that has really been flying off the bookshelves at the bookstores. "The Secret" is the name of the book. I guess this book as been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the New York's Best Sellers List for some time. Now I guess am not very sophisticated because neither Oprah or the New York Times Best Sellers list has never been my 1st place for me to pick out a book, none the less I understand this book is all the rage!
The Author of the book Rhonda Byrne has written this book and it is suppose to help you achieve just about anything that you want. How does it do this you might ask. Through some special list of websites that will gain you all of your worldly and maybe some off world wishes no. The Secret explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create - intentionally and effortlessly - a joyful life. This is the secret to everything - the secret to unlimited happiness, love, health and prosperity.
Now Pastor Chris wasn't giving it his endorsement though I think his opinion counts for alot more than Oprah atleast from my prospective. What he was doing was comparing Ms. Byrne's Book of "The Secret" to a book that holds no secrets at all, it is there for all to read it is the Bible and in particular the Book of Philippians. Now if you are unaware of the book of Philippians, it is a letter from Paul to the Congregation at Philippi and it professes his love and admiration of these people. Pastor Chris has told us to prepare for a quiz next week. The verse that we need to study and remember is Philippians 1:6 "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." That verse definitely keeps me hopeful of my own growth as not only a father and husband but also a Christ Follower. I can hardly wait for the next part in this series. You are doing a great job Chris.
Monday, March 31, 2008
This Weekend
Busy, Busy. That was this weekend. Didn't have much time to watch any basketball, but since my Hoosiers got knocked out in the 1st round and my bracket got trashed in the 2nd round I have only been partly interested in the NCAA Tournament. Friday night started with shopping for a Power Washer. Did my research on Consumer Reports and decided to go with the Craftsman 2550 Max PSI Pressure Washer. The fact that it was on sell did not hurt my feelings at all. Now of course what does this mean. It means that I have to wash something of course that would be hmmm lets see just about anything that needs to be washed and that is outside. Namely the house. The only thing that saved me on that was the fact that the weather this weekend was not really conducive to alot of water activities. Did get alot of the spring cleaning done in the house and some in the garage. After Church on Sunday (see following post) picked up the boat from the storage unit and took it home and washed it... it was nasty. Then we took it over to a friends house who offered there back yard as a storage place. Now this is very nice of them, because I was paying 116.00 amonth for the storage unit now am not paying anything, very nice. So now with a big ole pressure washer sitting in the garage I have to wait till the weather gets nicer so that I can clean all the winter grime off of the side of the house. If am really lucky I might be able to stave that off for aleast another month. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Far Flung Locations

Many of you know that I am a Weather Forecaster that works for a company that has a contract with the Federal Government (USAP)to provide forecasts for the aircraft and research vessels that move, and fly to, from and around the Antarctic Continent here are a couple of pic's current as of 27 March 1200 Local Charleston SC. time for a couple of places that the team of forecasters forecast for.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
On this Date
On this date in 1997
The 39 bodies of Heaven's Gate members are found in a mansion in Santa Fe, CA. The group had committed suicide thinking that they would be picked up by a spaceship following behind the comet Hale-Bopp.
I remember this story and some of the details that came out from it. As my journey through the bible goes I recall the scripture of 2 Timothy 4:2-4. Hard to understand these people. Easy enough to make some sort of joke and am sure that if we listened to Leno or Letterman at the time there were plenty of jokes to go around, and am sure I did the same thing at the time. Really though it is sad, that these people couldn't except the simple truth that is given to us through the Word of God in the Bible. Or was it that no one took the time to show them the word and help them understand. I sure hope that if I am given the chance to talk to someone like this at sometime I don't just simple pass them by and not give them at least the chance to see what is really there for us. Just a thought as the day goes by.
The 39 bodies of Heaven's Gate members are found in a mansion in Santa Fe, CA. The group had committed suicide thinking that they would be picked up by a spaceship following behind the comet Hale-Bopp.
I remember this story and some of the details that came out from it. As my journey through the bible goes I recall the scripture of 2 Timothy 4:2-4. Hard to understand these people. Easy enough to make some sort of joke and am sure that if we listened to Leno or Letterman at the time there were plenty of jokes to go around, and am sure I did the same thing at the time. Really though it is sad, that these people couldn't except the simple truth that is given to us through the Word of God in the Bible. Or was it that no one took the time to show them the word and help them understand. I sure hope that if I am given the chance to talk to someone like this at sometime I don't just simple pass them by and not give them at least the chance to see what is really there for us. Just a thought as the day goes by.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
54 Years ago?
54 years ago.. no that wasn't when I was born. Am fairly sure I wasn't even a twinkle in my Father's eyes at that point. 54 years ago, WOW can you believe that it has been that long since the 1st Color televisions started coming off the assembly lines? The RCA company started mass production of their model CT-100 a 15" screen. Mind you now that RCA wasn't the 1st to make color TV's they are the ones that got the mass production going first and fast. I did a short bit of research and found that the 1st color TVs cost over $1000.00 that is a lot of money now, can you imagine what it would have been like in 1954. Just a bit of comparisons the average annual income was just over 4,100. The medium home prices your just about 22,000. A average price car cost somewhere between 1600-3000. The price of gas was .23 cents. I was just looking at the price of a TV now for a Philips Color HDTV 19" is less than $300.00. Now here is the reason why I bring this up. The average home cost over $200,000 the average price of car is somewhere near $18,000 - 23,000 the price of gas is over 3.00 a gallon. The average annual income in the US today for just one wage earner is near $36,000. We have improved the television by atleast 100% yet the cost has decreased by more than 70%. We have gone from an average of 3 channels to 100+ and if you count all the silly music channels that they say you have then you have over 150 channels. The question comes up. Why isn't there anything worth watching on Television. Just a short thought I had today.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Kids (You have to love'em)
I listen to my younger friends that have kids much younger than my own. My daughter is 28 and my son is 24. I have to say I love my children and wouldn't trade them for the world. On most days. Most of my younger friends have kids in the age group of 12-18yrs. They talk about all the issues that my ex-wife and I dealt with more than 10yrs ago. Nothing seems to change all the same issues come up and for the most part most of the same solutions are used to solve them. The friends of mine that have kids in the same age group as my own talk about how we are all going through the same things with little details being the only difference. I would like to think that after whatever amount of time humans have roamed the planet, us parents would have come up with some sure fired solutions to these problems but so far no luck.
My daughter is having issues with her job and her boss. Nothing so terrible as sexual harassment or anything like that. He is a doctor and he is a doctor that doesn't understand all the issues of running a office all he wants to do is see patients and see the money coming in. My daughters job involves the billing part, you know the part that has to deal with insurance companies and people that haven't paid their share of the bill. Well he is giving her a hard time and she is having second thoughts about working for him. I only wish that when I was 28 that I had the option of telling my boss to shove it. Am fairly sure though the military would have had serious issues with that. My daughter has a 7yr old daughter and she lives with my parents she says that she wants to get out on her own but she hasn't proved anything to me. My parents don't help the issue cause they don't want their Great-Granddaughter to move out.
My son who is married to a sweet, very lovely WORKAHOLIC. Now most people would say that is great a 23yr old woman that is working hard a Hard Charger. Think about that, just think about that for a moment. She is going to school for her Masters, she is working 12hours a day and oh by the way gets paid a huge 8.50 an hour and you say 12 hours aday that is alot of over time, uh no. Now all you Union lovers out there get this she donates 4 hours aday without pay. I know Jimmy Hoffa has rolled over in whatever grave the Mob put him in, plus she donates alot of time to acouple of different charities there in Terra Haute. When she comes home she expects the house to be clean and picked up and dinner on the table. My son, the same boy that I couldn't get him to pick dirty socks for 3 weeks till they walked into the laundry room by themselves. Now mined you I would love my son to work alittle harder than say a mushroom (his current pace) I guess that isn't fair, when he does work he works hard... The issue is he works on a golf course and if it is possible he may play as much as he works. Now before you ask where can you sign up. He only gets paid 8.00 an hour. My point is how can you have a wife, a decent car and a decent home, mind you I didn't say nice car or nice home on 8.00 an hour plus her 8.50 an hour. I guess if you are happy with what you have, that is great.
I will say it again I love my kids. I feel so blessed that they are healthy they aren't living with me (Love ya Mom, Dad) they aren't in prison and they don't asked for money too often. I Would do just about anything I could for them. Come to think of it I have just about done anything already.
My daughter is having issues with her job and her boss. Nothing so terrible as sexual harassment or anything like that. He is a doctor and he is a doctor that doesn't understand all the issues of running a office all he wants to do is see patients and see the money coming in. My daughters job involves the billing part, you know the part that has to deal with insurance companies and people that haven't paid their share of the bill. Well he is giving her a hard time and she is having second thoughts about working for him. I only wish that when I was 28 that I had the option of telling my boss to shove it. Am fairly sure though the military would have had serious issues with that. My daughter has a 7yr old daughter and she lives with my parents she says that she wants to get out on her own but she hasn't proved anything to me. My parents don't help the issue cause they don't want their Great-Granddaughter to move out.
My son who is married to a sweet, very lovely WORKAHOLIC. Now most people would say that is great a 23yr old woman that is working hard a Hard Charger. Think about that, just think about that for a moment. She is going to school for her Masters, she is working 12hours a day and oh by the way gets paid a huge 8.50 an hour and you say 12 hours aday that is alot of over time, uh no. Now all you Union lovers out there get this she donates 4 hours aday without pay. I know Jimmy Hoffa has rolled over in whatever grave the Mob put him in, plus she donates alot of time to acouple of different charities there in Terra Haute. When she comes home she expects the house to be clean and picked up and dinner on the table. My son, the same boy that I couldn't get him to pick dirty socks for 3 weeks till they walked into the laundry room by themselves. Now mined you I would love my son to work alittle harder than say a mushroom (his current pace) I guess that isn't fair, when he does work he works hard... The issue is he works on a golf course and if it is possible he may play as much as he works. Now before you ask where can you sign up. He only gets paid 8.00 an hour. My point is how can you have a wife, a decent car and a decent home, mind you I didn't say nice car or nice home on 8.00 an hour plus her 8.50 an hour. I guess if you are happy with what you have, that is great.
I will say it again I love my kids. I feel so blessed that they are healthy they aren't living with me (Love ya Mom, Dad) they aren't in prison and they don't asked for money too often. I Would do just about anything I could for them. Come to think of it I have just about done anything already.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
3 days in a row I have posted, I know... most of you are saying how can someone have so much to say while at the same time say nothing. I might take a job as a politician.
This post is about something that I did on Thursday of this last week. A small group of us from my Church Coastal Community Church went to a conference a little Church in Anderson, SC Called NewSprings. this conference was called Unleashed! It was the second year for this conference and I have to say it was Outstanding. I didn't know what to expect since I hadn't been to one of these conferences before but I would say that it met all of my expectations and overflowed me with a sense of being a part of something great, and that would be a life renewed and reborn with Christ at the center. If you have never heard of Pastor Perry Noble he is a passionate speaker for his cause. His cause is very simple bring lost people to Christ. Next years conference is already set up for the 12th of March and I told my wife that she should plan to come with me. I plan on telling as many people I know how much this conference will mean to them, and hopefully get a alot more people there to share it with us.
This post is about something that I did on Thursday of this last week. A small group of us from my Church Coastal Community Church went to a conference a little Church in Anderson, SC Called NewSprings. this conference was called Unleashed! It was the second year for this conference and I have to say it was Outstanding. I didn't know what to expect since I hadn't been to one of these conferences before but I would say that it met all of my expectations and overflowed me with a sense of being a part of something great, and that would be a life renewed and reborn with Christ at the center. If you have never heard of Pastor Perry Noble he is a passionate speaker for his cause. His cause is very simple bring lost people to Christ. Next years conference is already set up for the 12th of March and I told my wife that she should plan to come with me. I plan on telling as many people I know how much this conference will mean to them, and hopefully get a alot more people there to share it with us.
Monday, March 17, 2008
March 17 Saint Patrick's Day

I think we all know the basic story of St Patrick. The one where he drove all the poisons snakes out of Ireland or the story of using the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity. But did you know that he wasn't born in Ireland, he was born sometime between 373AD and 390AD in either Scotland or England under Roman rule. Did you know that his father was Roman army officer. As a young boy we was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. The story goes on to to say After 6 yrs of slavery he was given a vision from God to escape. When he did escape he went to France and joined a monastery and studied for 12 yrs. God directed him to go back to Ireland and bring the word of God to the Pagans.
On this date in 1998 On this date in 2003
Max Temp: 51F and Min Temp: 46F Max Temp: 62F and Min Temp: 53F
Precipitation: .23in (rain) Precipitation: .31in (rain)
Monday Afternoon: A Strong Canadian High pressure has built in over the east coast bringing sunny but cool weather. You can expect to keep that early spring weather over the area for the next couple of days. Winds will be coming in from the North-Northeast 3-7mph.
Monday Night: Great sleeping weather. My suggestion is to open that window and enjoy some fresh air, that is if you can tolerate the pollen count which will remain high. Winds will continue to swing around to the East-Northeast and increase slightly through the night 5-10mph after midnight.
High Temp: 63F Low Temp: 48F
Tuesday: High pressure continues to dominate the weather patter but it will continue to slide off to the east as new system in the Great Plains makes it's way eastward. Expect increasing clouds through the day but sun will continue to rule the day. Winds will continue to be light 5-10mph from the East early and increase as it swings around to the Southeast.
Tuesday Night: Another great night for sleeping with the windows open don't forget about that pollen. Some high clouds will move in but other than those you will have a good night to view the stars. Wind will continue to swing around from the South-Southeast 8-12mph.
High Temp: 68F Low Temp: 53F
Wednesday Outlook: Increasing clouds as the next storm system moves into the area. Expect mostly cloudy skies, winds from the South-Southwest 10-15 with gust over 20 by mid-day. Rain and rainshowers are possible by late morning but the better chance will be a afternoon time frame. Isolated thunderstorms are likely late afternoon and early evening.
High Temp: 70F Low Temp: 58F
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Changes and Ecclesiastes 3:1
Changes, and more changes. The fact that I have 47+ years on this earth I don't worry or wonder too long on why things have to change. I don' t know I would like to think that it is the fact that am getting more WISE or is it just am so overwhelmed with the daily things that just keep coming at me.
Several changes have been going on in my Church, Coastal Community Church and I don't fully understand them all. I accept that people will come and people will go, but with the loss of some of these young friends I feel another deeper loss, almost as if a member of my family has moved away and I don't know when am going to see them again. Am not sure why they felt like they needed to go, but am sure they had their reasons. I sure hope it wasn't anything I did or anything that I didn't do. Did I not spend enough time getting to know them or did I not invest enough time with them. Will they miss my wife and I as much as we will miss them. I don't know if we will find out. The fact that am older then these young people I feel as if I may have let them down, not that anything was expected of me, but maybe if I had taken more time and gave them a little extra attention then they wouldn't have felt a need to leave. I don't know could be that am reading too much into it. One thing I do know is someone a lot wiser than me said it best when he said "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven."
Several changes have been going on in my Church, Coastal Community Church and I don't fully understand them all. I accept that people will come and people will go, but with the loss of some of these young friends I feel another deeper loss, almost as if a member of my family has moved away and I don't know when am going to see them again. Am not sure why they felt like they needed to go, but am sure they had their reasons. I sure hope it wasn't anything I did or anything that I didn't do. Did I not spend enough time getting to know them or did I not invest enough time with them. Will they miss my wife and I as much as we will miss them. I don't know if we will find out. The fact that am older then these young people I feel as if I may have let them down, not that anything was expected of me, but maybe if I had taken more time and gave them a little extra attention then they wouldn't have felt a need to leave. I don't know could be that am reading too much into it. One thing I do know is someone a lot wiser than me said it best when he said "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven."
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