Friday, February 29, 2008

The Weatherman

I have been thinking that since my job is as a forecaster though I don't forecast for this area. Why not give it a shot. After the Air Force finished training me they sent me to Savannah Ga to Hunter Army Air Field and that is the 1st place I got certified to forecast weather. Now I haven't forecasted for the SE United States since I left Georgia in 1991, but I figured what the heck I will give it a shot and see how well I do compared to the TV forecasters in the area. Now let me set some ground rules. 1st these forecasts are just my interpretation of the weather models and I will not be held liable for any inaccuracies (of each there won't be any). 2nd I will try and put a forecast out each morning and each evening that I get a chance to do it. The forecast will be for 24 hours with a 48 hour outlook that will inclued High and Low temperature forecast and precipation chance. 3rd The area I will forecast for will be for the within 10 miles of Charleston Air Force Base. And 4th as I get more accustomed to this blog format I will try and add extra features such as Satellite and Radar Links. If any of you out there would like to participate in this little experiment then you can post your observations on here for the local area. I will add some descriptions of basic weather observations that you can use to describe the weather. I know acouple of you home school your children and if you would like I would be happy to give alittle presentation of how a weather forecast is put together. Maybe you could get your kids involved by having them take and record weather observation and post them on here.

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