Friday, February 1, 2008

Let's catch up

Hey everyone, I know I have been lazy and not made any postings of late. Lazy, busy, I don't know, it is one or another. Let's start off with all is well with Susan and I, she is going to be heading to Gatlinburg Tn this afternoon for a all ladies weekend with some friends. So am all alone. atleast till Sunday afternoon. Well I will be with my Church family Sunday morning so am very much looking forward to that.
Some things I would like to get you updated on. My goal of loosing 10lbs by Valentines day is more than half way there. I weighed myself this morning and I had lost 6lbs and since it is 2 weeks to go, I think I can make the extra 4lbs without too much sacrafices. Since it is Superbowl weekend and we all know that there is almost as much eating before during and after the Superbowl, I might need the full 2 weeks to get that 4lbs. Also am fully involved in my 2 college classes so the goal of improving my mind and body are hopefully headed in the right direction.
Good news, I don't have to go back on night shifts. One of my co-workers asked me if she could have the last 2 or 3 weeks of my night shifts. Well after severl anginzing seconds ( I think about 3) I said sure, she could have all the night shifts that she wants. Now it isn't like am not giving up something for this, the whole 3 dollars extra I earn for the shift differential you get for any hours worked from 6pm to 6am, so I do have to make alittle sacrifice. But that extra 36 dollars a shift just isn't that important to me atleast not as important as sleep. Besides I still get that little extra money when I work the weekends even it it is a day shift.
I think that catches us up on things atleast from my end. I doubt that my kids read this so to all the others that read it, let me know what is going on with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will find lots to do with your alone time. It well go fast. One thing for sure Susan will be coming home on Sunday. I love you both much. Your sister in the Lord Nancy