Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Happy New Year everyone, or should I say the 2 or 3 people that read this blog. Am not sure but I don't think my wife even reads it. Well it is the 2nd of January and all the holidays and hoop-la seems to be over. Did you survive or did you do more than survive did you enjoy yourself? Did you get some time off from your normal life and get involved in the holiday events? As for myself, things have been fairly normal. Since my work schedule is all screwed up anyway it isn't hard to stay normal if there is such a thing.
My last blog entry was the Bill Brown's TOP STORIES for 2007. I figured I would start this year out with my entry of Top Things I want to get done it 2008. As I have been thinking over this list for the last few days especially since I put together Top Stories of 2007. The one thing I have figured out is that this could be a ever changing list. So what I have decided to do is make sure that the things I put down on the list are truly things that are important to me and achievable. Though there are somethings on this list that are more important to me the the others there is no particular order for what I have put down. First few are very easy and I believe no brainers.

1. Be a better Christian. Follow up my words, with actions. I ask God to give me the strength to be whatever he envisions me to be, and to help point me in the right direction.
2. Be a better Husband. Susan deserves the very best that I can provide in both material as well as emotional support. She has always supported me in everything I have done, I can certainly do the same for her.
3. Be a better Father. Though my kids are grown, like any other parent I worry about them. There are so many things out there that can distract them from the right path (not the path that I want them on) just the right path to being a good person. I want to respect their decisions and choices more. ( I hope that they can choose to come visit a little more often)
4. Be a better Son. Though I live more than a few miles from my parents, I find that I think of them more often than ever, maybe it is cause they are growing older and I know there are less years in front of us then are behind us.
5. Improve My Brain. Am have already signed up for some college classes with intentions of opening up other opportunities for myself.
6. Improve My Body. Now that the holidays are over, I have full intentions to loose and to keep off several pounds. My short term goal is to loose 10 pounds by Valentine's day and the long term goal is to loose 50lbs by my 48th Birthday.
7. Be a better employee. Now this is a hard one. Am not sure why. I guess it involves improving my attitude, and at 47 that isn't an easy thing to do. ( See #1 )
8. Travel. I want to travel somewhere new this year, of course I want to do this every year. See something I have never seen before.
9. Do a Better job of Saving Money. Though I believe Susan and I do a better job the then average couple we can do even better. I will do better. (fewer lunches out of the office and more brownbags with carrots and more healthy food. (See #6)
10. Get alot more Organized. This is one thing that I know I have been getting better at. Certainly I have had been lax at times but I can do better and will.
11. Do a better job leaving the problems at work. Leaving the office at the office and not bring the issues home with me.
12. Improve my Driving Habits. I will improve my attitude. I will strive to be a more considerate and observant driver.
Well that is my list. What do you think? Can I make it? I have my work cut out for me. Pray for me I need all the help I can get.

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