Sunday, October 21, 2007

Loving Your Children (no matter what)

You know over the last couple years my kids have grown into, what I would call good young adults; for the most part they contribute to society and not take from it. Though I get the feeling that their mother and her husband, their Dad (me) and my wife are people simply put on the planet to give them money. My son in particular has really been doing things that are way off the wall. I won't go into details because it is things that I know he isn't proud of, but it seems like he can't help himself. Add to that he won't call me to ask my advice, that is till it is too late for me or anyone to do anything about it except write the check and tell him I love him (which I have done). My wife his stepmother has been great it could be real easy for her to look at me and tell me NO, no more money and that goes for both of the kids. She is very concern about my son and some of his recent gaffs and wonders what we can do to help him. She has called him on her own. Got the voice mail and left a message. Do you think that she could get a call back? No she hasn't and she still is concerned and wants to know what is going on. You might ask how I found out about his latest mistake, get this my ex his mother called my Susan and told her so that she could tell me so that I wouldn't get angry. I don't know what to think, he has had plenty of chances to talk to me and tell me what is going on, and he hasn't. So do I make the call, I know he is in trouble (not with the law) but he is having some serious issues,, I don't know when do you as a parent say enough and tell the kids to figure it out on their own. I guess this is where I could go into the old story of how hard I had it growing up in my young adult life and how I didn't have the help of my parents, but that is such an old cliché that I just can't go there (or did I?). I do know that I am praying for my kids especially my son right now and hoping that he will figure it out. You know loving your children no matter what doesn't mean you won't get angry over what they have done or what they might do. Just love them, I do.

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